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Resolution in Support of Irving City Manager Tommy Gonzalez

WHEREAS, 84 years ago, the founders of the League of Latin American Citizens, (LULAC) joined together to establish an organization that would become the largest, oldest and successful Hispanic civil rights and service organization in the United States, and

WHEREAS, extensive publicity in the media, newspapers and radio surrounding the status of Irving City Manager Tommy Gonzalez have contributed to negative perceptions in the Hispanic community of unfair treatments, and

WHEREAS, the perceptions have spread to include the belief by some, that members of the city council are out to get not only Mr. Gonzalez, but also other Hispanic employees of the city, by not renewing his contract, and

WHEREAS, there is a perception among some that in order to support the contention that it is time for Mr. Gonzalez to go, some city council members and staff have fabricated allegation against him that do not hold true and are in direct contradiction with Mr. Gonzalez’ employment record with the city, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Gonzalez’ record with the city is exemplary and includes:
• Overseeing $500 million city budget and more than 2,100 city employees.
• Under Mr. Gonzalez’ leadership Irving became the first city in Texas to adopt the use of Lean Six Sigma to find breakthrough improvements in the services provided to residents, visitors and the business community, saving more than $44 million to the City.
• The City of Irving has had much economic development success, in large part due to the model partnership the city shared with the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce.
• The City of Irving in 2-12 added and retained 7,642 jobs. • In 2012 under Mr. Gonzalez’ leadership more than $180 million of taxable investment were added to the community.
• In a relatively short mount of time, the city’s appearance has experienced a facelift with corridor enhancements, the removal of substandard structures and strengthened code enforcement.
• Under Mr. Gonzalez’ leadership the city has realized a historic crime rate decrease for eight consecutive yeas with an overall 43 percent reduction, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Gonzalez distinguished himself by:
• Serving in the U.S. Army for 22 years achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel during which time he was deployed throughout the world to maximize his civil affairs officer status.
• Earned a master’s degree in public administration from Texas Tech University and a bachelor’s degree from Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, N.M., and

WHEREAS, the negative publicity has prompted Hispanic leaders of a number of the North Texas community organization including LULAC, the Tri-County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic Leadership Forum, among others, to meet to discuss their concern including the gross underrepresentation of Hispanics on the city council, on city boards and commission, and in employment, and

WHEREAS, on February 23rd at the quarterly meeting of LULAC district III a number of these Hispanic leaders expressed their concern that Mr. Gonzalez was indeed being treated unfairly,

WHEREAS, as these leaders are concerned that failure by the city council to successfully resolve Mr. Gonzalez’ contract, other city Hispanic employees will also fall victims to unfair treatment;

BE IT RESOLVED, by LULAC district III to present this resolution to the city council asking that it treat this issue with the dignity and spirit that it was developed and that it merits—Mr. Gonzalez has been exemplary in the discharge of his duties as city manager of Irving and has been an inspiration to the community, especially Hispanics from North Texas and throughout the state, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that LULAC district III is ready and willing to assist the city of Irving in its pursuits of justice, equality and prosperity.

Approved this 22nd day of June 2013.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President