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Resolution on California Opportunity and Prosperity Act

Whereas, the California Opportunity and Prosperity Act (COPA) enacts a five year pilot project to encourage certain immigrants to pay State income tax and potentially allows those who do, to gain relief from federal immigration enforcement and decriminalization of members' employment; and

Whereas, COPA would pay for itself and allow immigrants to contribute to California's economy with their taxes and labor; and

Whereas, COPA would also lift the burden of illegality off COPA employers' shoulders as well as diminish negative stereotypes of the cheap labor pool; and

Whereas, COPA would help reset the national debate on federal immigration policy by showing that an inclusive rather than a punitive policy framework is supported by the voters; and

Whereas, it is estimated COPA could generate as many as a million new taxpayers who could contribute an estimated $325 million annually in general revenue to California that will be used to fund desperately needs police and fire services etc; and

Whereas, COPA does this by enacting a five year pilot, self-financed program in which participants gain entrance by meeting certain thresholds; and

Whereas, COPA directs California's Governor to petition the President and other federal agencies to provide relief and or exemptions from federal immigration enforcement against COPA members and their families and to decriminalize employment of COPA members; and

Whereas, it is conservatively estimated that 72-78% of the estimated 2.67 million undocumented residents currently in California could qualify under the terms of COPA; and

Whereas, COPA has a growing list of supporters, and was cosponsored by the Honorable Felipe Fuentes from the 39th Assembly District in the San Fernando Valley; and

Whereas, COPA is also supported by the Latino Caucus of the California League of Cities as well as by members of the California Legislative Caucus, including Chairman Tony Mendoza, Assembly Members Ben Ueso, Luis Alejo, Manuel Perez, Gil Cedillo, and State Senators Ron Calderon and Kevin De Leon; and

Whereas, COPA is supported by 62 Latino and immigrant rights groups, including Santa Ana LULAC Council 147; and is presented to the California LULAC State Convention by the following LULAC Councils listed below; and

Therefore, be it resolved that LULAC endorses the California Opportunity and Prosperity Act (COPA) and will propose that National LULAC follow its support by adoption of such Resolution at its National Convention.

Approved this 30th day of June 2012.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President