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Resolution: Single Payer Health Care Not For Profit

Whereas the United States spends approximately twice as much of our gross domestic product as other developed nations on health care, yet remains the only industrialized country without universal coverage.

Whereas the U. S. health system treats health care as a commodity distributed according to the ability to pay, rather than as a human right to be dispersed according to medical need.

Whereas Medicare Administrative costs is only about 6% of what they spend.

Whereas Texas ranks number one in the country with uninsured children.

Whereas Texas ranks number one in the country with uninsured adults under the age of 65.

Whereas we should oppose the inclusion of private insurance companies in our health care system as their interests are counter to and often destructive their policy holders.

Whereas a single-payer health care program would provide an effective mechanism for controlling skyrocketing health costs while covering Texans, as well as all Americans.

Be it resolved, that the League of United Latin American Citizens educate and mobilize broad public and political support amongst Texans for single payer health care not for profit, improved Medicate for all; and

Be it further resolved, that Health care is a human right.

Approved this 30th day of June 2012.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President