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Resolution: California LULAC Partnership with Voters Injured at Work, Inc to Reform the Workers Compensation Program in California

Whereas, Voters Injured at Work, Inc. is a civil rights organization that defends the rights of workers injured on the job; and

Whereas, Voters Injured at Work, California LULAC, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Latino Comp and interfaith leaders have formed a coalition convened by Voters Injured at Work for purposes of advancing reforms in the California State Workers Compensation Program; and

Whereas, Voters Injured at Work has led the struggle to defeat SB 923 authored by State Senator Kevin de Leon which would have established a Medicare fee schedule which would prevent access for injured workers to medical specialists; and

Whereas, Voters Injured at Work is the only civil rights organization in the nation organizing and representing injured workers: and

Whereas, Latinos are disproportionately injured on the job; And

Whereas, the Brown Administration under leadership of Christine Baker: Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations, held 9 forums around the State in April 2012 to obtain recommendations for Workers Comp reform; and

Whereas, California LULAC joined Voters Injured at Work, Inc. at each of these forums; and

Therefore, be it resolved that California LULAC join with Voters Injured at Work in working with Christine Baker, Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations, as well as legislative leaders to reform the workers compensation of California, as well as to develop a memorandum of understanding between California LULAC and Voters Injured at Work in order to seek workers compensation reform.

Approved this 30th day of June 2012.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President