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LULAC Immigration

Sep 28, 2018

LULAC: Millions To Be Punished For Being Poor

Nation’s Largest Civil Rights Organization Says Green Card Threat is Inhumane

Sep 17, 2018

Broadcasters Work Together To Provide Hurricane Alerts and Information In Spanish

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 17, 2018): In the best public service tradition of broadcasting, three radio station groups have voluntarily banded together to provide life-saving information to Spanish speaking residents of two coastal South Carolina communities threatened by Hurricane Florence.

Aug 30, 2018

URGENTE: Equipo de Emergencia de LULAC para Intervenciones de ICE

LULAC está movilizando un equipo de abogados, asistentes legales y voluntarios para ayudar a las familias víctimas del ataque terrorista de ICE en un negocio en París,Texas.

Aug 30, 2018

URGENT: LULAC ICE Emergency Crisis Intervention Team

LULAC is mobilizing a team of pro bono attorneys, paralegals, and volunteers to help the family victims of the ICE terror raid on a Paris, Texas business. Let's help the families and stand up for American values.

Aug 26, 2018

LULAC Salutes John McCain: True American Leader & Statesman

Throughout his life, he stood by his principles and he stood by America