LULAC Symbols
LULAC Shield

LULAC Shield (Color) in JPG format
LULAC Shield (Color) in PDF format
LULAC Shield (Color) in EPS format
LULAC Shield (Color) in PNG format
LULAC Shield (B&W) in EPS format

LULAC Seal (Color) in JPG format
LULAC Seal (Color) in PNG format
LULAC Seal (Color) in EPS format
LULAC Seal (B&W) in EPS format
90th Anniversary Logo

90th Logo (Color) in JPG format
90th Logo (Color) in PNG format
90th Logo (Color) in EPS format
90th Logo (White) in PNG format
The LULAC Shield is a registered trademark of the League of United Latin American Citizens