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Daiquiri Ryan, Strategic Legal Advisor and Policy Counsel, National Hispanic Media Coalition

 Daiquiri Ryan

Daiquiri Ryan is a Tejana and first generation lawyer with a passion for social justice and technology. She is a new type of advocate, fusing her political and legal skills with digital-first movement building, authentic storytelling, and strategic collective action.

Daiquiri serves as Strategic Legal Advisor to the National Hispanic Media Coalition, a 34 year old civil rights organization working to increase the representation of Latinx in Hollywood and to expand the digital rights of the Latinx community. Through this role, she is a subject matter expert in broadband access, net neutrality, platform accountability, media diversity, and other telecommunications and tech policy issues.

In 2018, Daiquiri co-founded Neta Collab, a digital advocacy and marketing firm dedicated to advancing social justice causes and movements. Everyday through Neta, she helps shape social justice narratives in collaboration with clients making an impact in the environmental justice, voting rights, civil rights, racial justice, and tech accountability spaces.

In addition to her professional roles, Daiquiri is the Chairwoman for the Latinas in Tech D.C. Metro Chapter, where she works with tech companies to increase diversity in their workforces and to engage local Latinas with empowering programming. She is a proud alumna of Arizona State University and The George Washington University School of Law.

Daiquiri enjoys cooking, musical theatre, and traveling with her fiancé, José, and their dog, Lupita.

Panel Information

Friday, September 3

3:25 PM EST

Spotlight- Infrastructure & Innovation: Shaping Future of Work & the US Economy

The era of new digital advancements in the technology sector experienced an exponential growth in innovative and “smart” technology in our day-to-day lives and in the workplace. With the revolution of artificial intelligence, it is essential to consider the coming changes in the workplace that will require digital literacy and a broader understanding of technology. This panel will converse on the ways corporations and organizations are offering to advance digital literacy in the workplace as well as in the community and the trends that come with this new digital era. Moreover, panelists will address the impact artificial intelligence and digital advancements have on the United States economy.

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