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Technology and Broadband

Friday, September 3

5:25 PM ET


Access: Technology & Broadband

Latinx communities face the insecurity of not having internet access or a stable internet connection, which puts them at a disadvantage in the age of technology. Since most work, school, and social gatherings have now shifted to take place virtually due to the pandemic, it has revealed the disparities of access to the internet by Latinxs. In increasing broadband access and making it affordable, it would impact Latinxs on their overall success and help them gain more opportunities. Advancing in technology and its increased usage also means growing security threats, such as malware and spam, that needs to be addressed by having cybersecurity fight these threats.


  • Maria Cardona, Dewey Square Group Principal, Latinovations Founder and CNN & CNN En EspaƱol Political Commentator


  • Alisa Valentin, Ph.D. , Special Advisor, Office of Commissioner Geoffrey Starks from the Federal Communications Commission
  • Alejandro Roark, Executive Director, Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP)