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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

Mark Magana, Founding President & CEO, GreenLatinos

Mark Magana

Mark Magaña is the Founding President & CEO of GreenLatinos, a National network of Latino environmental and conservation advocates.

Mark is the first Latino to have served as senior staff at both the White House and in Congressional leadership – as Special Assistant to President Clinton for White House Legislative Affairs and Senior Policy Advisor to the House Democratic Caucus Vice-Chair Robert Menendez. Mark also served as a Presidentially appointed Congressional Liaison at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as Legislative Assistant to Congressional Representative Jim McDermott (D-WA), as a Federal Legislative Representative for the City of Los Angeles, and as a Research Assistant for the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO).

As an early supporter of Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign, in February of 2007, Mark founded the National Latinos for Obama. Through Latinos for Obama, he helped build a national grassroots organization and mobilization effort.

Originally from Los Angeles, Mark lived in Washington, DC for 30 years and just recently moved to Boulder, CO with his wife and young children, where he serves on the boards of the League of Conservation Voters, Green 2.0, and the Children’s Environmental Health Network.

Panel Information

Thursday, September 2

2:40 PM EST

Cafecito-Building Back Better: Time for Climate Action

The impacts of climate change continue to harm, displace, and create instability in our communities and the time for action is now. As we move forward into a new era after COVID-19, how can governments, businesses and community leaders build resilient and sustainable communities. What is the current situation of the global fight against climate change and the needed action to achieve a net zero economy. Join in on the conversation where will discuss initiatives, bills, and solutions on how to ensure that the Latino community is not left behind. Taking action on climate change now will give us the opportunity to build a better future for our communities and environment! Join us in the Building Back Better: Time for Climate Action panel as a part of our Virtual Summit along with young activists, business leaders, and elected officials.

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