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Dr. Victoria Dixon

Director of, Equity and Inclusion EEO/EO Programs at Army Futures Command, U.S. Army, Department of Defense

Dr. Victoria Dixon

Dr. Victoria Dixon’s greatest thrill in life is helping someone else progress in theirs, whether it’s his or her professional or personal side. She feels moving up and out is a way of life and that the way to success is often through perseverance. She lives by the motto, "It's not the cards you're dealt; it's how you play the game." Sometimes you just have to believe in yourself, the people around you, and just play harder.

Dr. Dixon is the Director of, Equity and Inclusion EEO/EO Programs at Army Futures Command, Austin TX.

Dr. Dixon is a graduate of Southern University, Baton Rouge, La. She received her Ph.D. from American International University Continuing Education Program in Human Resources/ Religious Counseling. She is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Service Sorority and the International Who’s Who of Professionals. She is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Management Staff College where she won the Professional Speech Award.

While at her previous job as the Director of Human Relations Equal Opportunity Programs at Army Test Evaluation Command, (ATEC), Vikki received 18 awards within 5 years, to include the Women of Color Award for Affirmative Community Outreach, the Black Engineer of the Year Award (BEYA) for Diversity and Leadership and numerous performance awards from the Department of the Army and Department of Defense.

Dr. Dixon was awarded the EEO Professional of the Year for the Department of the Army while working at Fort Sam Houston as the Garrison EEO Director. She has served as Vice President of the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District where she was a mentor at Robert G. Cole High School. During this time, Vikki also was the Civilian Representative for the Alamo Chapter of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Executive Board.

While in Germany, she received the Heilbronn Military Community Commander’s Soaring Eagle Award for Exceptional Civilian Service. Vikki received the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Europe’s (CINC) award for outstanding support for the spouses of Desert Shield/Desert Storm and was nominated for the former President George W. Bush’s Volunteer Action Award. She has served on the Executive Boards for the North Atlantic Girl Scouts and American Women’s Activities Germany. An advocate for volunteering, Dr. Dixon has been recognized by the Bad Canstatt Chapter of AUSA as their Volunteer and Civilian Employee of the Year. Vikki holds the record of being the first female to coach a military men’s basketball team and be a winner. She led the Heilbronn Military Community Team to a U.S. Army European Command Championship.

Dr. Dixon has created two unique workshops entitled “Marketing the Product--You” and the “The Humorous Side of Being a Military Spouse.” She has traveled throughout Europe and various parts of the United States presenting these animated seminars and being a motivational speaker for various military and civilian functions.

Dr. Dixon’s biggest claim to fame is being the mother of two wonderful, yet challenging, young adults, James and Tia. She also states she is blessed to be the daughter of CSM (Ret) William and the late Doretha Norman of DeRidder, Louisiana.