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Featured Speaker

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

As Speaker, Pelosi is fighting For The People, working to lower health care costs, increase workers’ pay through strong economic growth and rebuilding America, and clean up corruption to make Washington work for all.
Domingo Garcia

Domingo Garcia

LULAC National President

The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting the Latino community harder than any other group in our country. Again, Jose y Maria are the ones who are facing the dangers of each day the same way our parents and grandparents did. They don’t complain and they can’t stop. They are the essential breadwinners in their family and if they don’t go to work, they don’t eat and won’t have a roof over their heads.

This is the reality facing millions in our communities as 35% of all the coronavirus infections are Latinos and too many of those are dying, young, and old alike.  LULAC is fighting hard to help protect Latino workers and to improve access to health care for our people.

Sindy Benavides

Message from our CEO

My warmest thank you for joining us in the middle of a pandemic when nothing feels or seems normal.   With the theme, All for One & One for All: United in Action to Transform America, the LULAC Virtual Summit is bringing together top leaders in business, government, and civic sectors to discuss the issues affecting Latinos for a high-impact event reaching a vast and diverse audience.

We will discuss key issues including how Latinos can support the Black Lives Matter movement, the challenges facing our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, our collective push for gender equity, access to quality health care, education amid COVID-19, the outlook for immigration reform, continuing the struggle for full LGBTQ rights, the role of financial literacy in empowering Latino and much more.

Sindy Benavides


Speaker Nancy Pelosi

52nd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Majority Whip James Clyburn

Representative (D-SC 6th District)

Sen. Tim Kaine

United States Senator from Virginia

Jill Biden

Community college professor and former Second Lady of the United States

Sen. Catherine Cortez-Masto

United States Senator from Nevada

Hon. Julian Castro

Former HUD Secretary and Candidate for President

Rep. Veronica Escobar

U.S. Representative for Texas's 16th Congressional District

Rep. Jimmy Gomez

U.S. Representative for California’s 34th District

Rep. Jenniffer González-Colón

Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico

Rep. Jose Meléndez

Puerto Rico House of Representatives

Rep. Raul Ruiz

U.S. Representative for California's 36th Congressional District

Rep. Darren Soto

U.S. Representative for Florida’s 9th District

Rep. Filemon Vela

U.S. Representative for Texas's 34th Congressional District

Nelson Torres Jordan

Mayor of Guayanilla Puerto Rico

Ryan McCarthy

Secretary of the United States Army

Jonathan Greenblatt

CEO and National Director ADL

Derrick Johnson

President and CEO, NAACP

Marc Morial

President and CEO, National Urban League

Alphonso David

President of Human Rights Campaign

Geoffrey Starks

FCC Commissioner

Session Highlights

  • Civil Rights & Equity
  • Education
  • Health & Wellness
  • Gender Equity
  • Immigration
  • Financial Literacy
  • Puerto Rico
  • Environment
  • Technology/Broadband
  • Veterans Affairs
Civil Rights & Equity

Civil Rights & Equity

Thursday, August 13
5:00 PM ET Opening Plenary: Civil Rights and Equity
Tu Lucha Es Mi Lucha: Standing Together As Allies

History will record 2020 as the year when the killing of George Floyd under the knee of a white police officer ignited a movement to confront structural racism in America. A panel of civil rights leaders challenging the status quo will discuss the recent flashpoints that have brought the needs of communities of color to the forefront of our collective consciousness. During this dialogue speakers will touch on police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, COVID-19, the SCOTUS decision on LGBTQ+ and DACA, plus more and how these social challenges are impacting a broad coalition of activism and organizing at the national and local level.

Education Highlights

Education Highlights

Friday, August 14
5:00 PM ET Education
Back to School in 2020?: COVID-19 and the Impact on our Students

The American education system presents a variety of barriers to people of color. Latinos are the largest and most rapidly growing ethnic group in the country. Yet, academically, our Latinx students are lagging far behind their non-Hispanic peers. This panel will discuss the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the public education system serving communities of color, how Latinos are managing distance learning (including high school and college), and practical steps we can take to ensure our students excel in the time of COVID-19.

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Thursday, August 13
6:00 PM ET Health and Wellness
Our Health: La Primera Riqueza es la Salud

The COVID-19 pandemic is compounding historical social inequities and disproportionately impacting Latinos and communities of color. A contributing factor is that Latinos are essential workers on the front lines, including health professions, vital retail services, and food production jobs and are at far greater risk of exposure. This panel examines the ways the coronavirus has impacted the well-being of Latinos. Explores steps to promote greater health access for the Latino community while gaining valuable advice from experts on how to protect ourselves and our families against COVID-19.

Gender Equity

Gender Equity

Friday, August 14
2:00 PM ET Gender Equity
Feminista y Resistencia: The Latina Experience and How To Build Support and Community
Sponsor: GEICO

Latinas still face discrimination in both their professional and personal lives despite the contributions they make to virtually every area of life in the U.S. Two major hurdles in the fight for equity in America are laws restricting the rights of immigrant/undocumented women and the wage gap affecting Latina women at a disproportionate rate. Pervasive sexism in our society has also created a glass ceiling that still persists and makes it difficult for many women to realize their potential.



Thursday, August 13
7:00 PM ET Immigration
LULAC’s Historic Role in the Struggle to Achieve Inclusive Immigration Legislation

Charles Kamaski, renowned immigration advocate and author leads a discussion with current and former LULAC leaders on the impact LULAC has had on immigration policy since the 1970s. Speakers will also discuss what is needed now to advance immigration legislation that finally delivers permanent protections for millions of undocumented in the United States.

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

Thursday, August 13
8:00 PM ET Financial Literacy Regaining our Financial Footing after COVID-19
Sponsor: AARP

Latinos earn significantly less income on average than white Americans and they also fall victim to predatory lending practices. This panel will discuss how COVID-19 is impacting Latinos’ employment and financial stability along longer-term challenges such as retirement, wealth, the importance of money mentors, and how to alleviate Latino student loan debt.




Friday, August 14
3:00 PM ET LGBTQ+ Mi Gente, Siempre: Addressing Transphobia and Homophobia in the Latinx Community
Sponsor: AARP & HRC

Some of the often unspoken topics in the Latinx community, especially within families, are about gender and sexual identity issues which often lead to lasting hurt and pain while tearing apart important relationships. This panel shares real stories by Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals, how members of this demographic have worked to overcome discrimination, and how to become allies for social justice. Our panel of Queer-Latinx activists will discuss their own experiences with discrimination and what they believe can be done to help some of the Latinx communities’ most vulnerable members.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

Friday, August 14
4:00 PM ET Puerto Rico Unidos Con Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is experiencing a thirteen-year recession, largely driven by Washington’s federal policies and territorial debt created by laws that historically treat the island as a colony. Adding to man-made factors have been natural disasters including a cataclysmic Hurricane Maria in September 2017 followed by still more hurricanes and earthquakes. These have further weakened Puerto Rico’s economy and health infrastructure, and now its residents are facing the coronavirus pandemic. However, Puerto Ricans have met these tragedies with courage and are leading local efforts to support each other and build community resilience. This panel will focus on how the island of Puerto Rico has been impacted by the novel coronavirus and the inspiring lessons learned from the people of Puerto Rico in their quest to survive and rebuild.




Friday, August 14
1:00 PM ET Environment Dream Big and Green: Young People Driving Climate Change Action AHORA!

Climate change, rising temperatures, changing sea levels, and more catastrophic natural disasters are topics of daily concerns, particularly in the Latino community who are disproportionately affected by it. This panel will discuss the Green New Deal, and other legislation and what needs to happen to lay the groundwork this year to make sure we act on climate change



Friday, August 14
12:00 PM ET Technology / Broadband
Latinos and Digital Literacy in the Age of Technology and COVID-19

Black and Brown communities still face real and lasting barriers that hinder their access to broadband technology. They often lack the digital literacy skills required to protect themselves from a broad range of harms as a result of new technological advances. These include discrimination in employment, data breaches, and loss of control over sensitive personal information. Knowledge is power and nowhere is this more true than in the context of technology.

Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs

Friday, August 14
11:00 AM ET Veterans Affairs
#IamVanessaGuillén: Honoring and Protecting Those Who Serve Our Country

The disappearance and murder of Pfc. Vanessa Guillén has brought the spotlight to the dire situation women in the military face. Join this panel to hear first hand from women who have been in the front lines defending our country and the challenges they face as they try to serve their country with honor.

LULAC Virtual
Career Fair 2020

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