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2022 State of Latino America Summit

AT&T Forum for Technology, Entertainment and Policy
601 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001

The State of Latino America Summit brings together leaders from various sectors to discuss common policy issues, affirm shared values and commit to concerted actions at the national level.

The summit creates a space to address critical issues affecting Hispanic Americans in the U.S, such as the economy, education, census, health, and immigration.

This year’s summit will be held in person on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at the AT&T Forum for Technology, Entertainment, and Policy in Washington, DC and virtually on Thursday, March 24.

** As of today, all guests 12 years and older are required to show proof being fully vaccinated for COVID-19.


Thursday, March 17, 2022
In-Person and Virtual

12:00 pm Welcome & Opening Remarks

12:15 pm Technology & Innovation Luncheon: 2022 Opportunities & Barriers

1:15 pm Fireside Chat: The Importance of USF in Creating Access

1:30 pm Algorithms, AI and You: Why Diversity Matters

2:15 pm Cafecito Dialogue: The State of Puerto Rico, Why it Matters & Why It’s a Civil Rights Issue in America

3:00 pm Covid-19: Health Disparities, Disinformation & Activism

3:50 pm Closing Remarks

Thursday, March 24, 2022
Virtual Only

12:00 pm Welcome & Opening
Art Motta, LULAC Director of Policy & Legislation
Sindy Benavides, LULAC Chief Executive Officer
Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, The White House

12: 10 pm The State of Latinos in Education
Opening Remarks: Representative Joaquin Castro
Moderator: Montserrat Garibay, Senior Advisor for Labor Relations, Office of Secretary, U.S. Department of Education
Melody Gonzales, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics
Nancy Vera, President of Corpus Christi AFT
Dr. Ana Gil Garcia, VIce-Chair, LULAC Education Committee
Dr. Theresa Montaño, Co-Chair, LULAC Higher Education Committee

1:10 pm Break
1:15 pm Spotlight: LGBTQ Justice
LGBTQ Justice: Jesse Garcia, Chair, LULAC LGBTQ Committee

1:25 pm Representation in the Armed Forces: Why Diversity Matters
1:35 pm Break

1:40 pm LULAC Annual Legislative Awards Gala: Highlights & Key Moments

3:00 pm Conclusion of Part 2, State of Latino America Summit