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Mary Ramos

LULAC Women’s Commissioner

Mary Ramos

Mary Ramos is a third generation Houstonian, a licensed Realtor and a proud mother of three children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She is also a born leader who has been an active member of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) District VIII for over four decades. This trailblazer is a staunch advocate for human rights, immigration, education, equal rights, equal pay and supporter of justice. In her journey to help give the Hispanic community equal opportunities, she helped forge a relationship and helped develop a statewide resolution that allows Texas NAACP and Texas LULAC to work together on issues that affect both communities. Together these organizations have been able to initiate the opening of the first, Public Defender's Office in Harris County and help defeat the Voter ID Bill. Her leadership and advocacy garnered her the NAACP Houston Branch’s 2012 Presidential Award.

She is respected and recognized by many elected officials, leaders and those she has mentored. She is someone you can count on and someone who has made our world a better, more equal place to live work and play. There is no one more deserving of the Comcast Hispanic Hero Award, as she is a Hero to so many and is building a legacy, others will continue benefiting.

Panel Information

Saturday, December 5

11:50 AM EST

Mindfulness inclusion in the Golden Age of Latina Women

Older Latinas play an essential role in our culture, from reminding us of our values and keeping our traditions alive through music, cuisines, and history, yet are often forgotten when policies and programs are developed. This conversation will address older adults’ state and the importance of healthcare, retirement, and other programs that reduce the hardship that many face. It will also highlight the leading role our elders have taken around COVID-19 to take care of their families and communities.

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