Jessica Martínez
LULAC Women's Commissioner

Jessica I. Martinez is a board member on the National League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Women’s Commission. Jessica is a third-year law student and dual degree candidate at the University of New Mexico School of Law and School of Public Administration. She is also pursuing an Indian Law Certificate. Jessica has been a LULAC volunteer for sixteen years and was elected to positions locally and nationally. Jessica started her volunteer work with LULAC as a youth member at the age of 14 years old. She is the founder of Youth Council 53 and was later elected to serve as National Youth President for three terms before transferring to adult membership. As National Youth President, Jessica was active in engaging youth chapters nation-wide and assisted in organizing three national youth conventions and leadership conferences. She was a spokesperson regarding education, health care, civil rights, female empowerment, leadership development, and self-confidence building. Jessica organized workshops in high school, colleges, and universities throughout the country to inform students about the DREAM Act and higher education issues. She further organized workshops and group facilitation on Robert’s Rules of Order and helped develop community service projects throughout the country. Before the close of her term as National Youth President, she was inducted into the LULAC Youth Hall of Fame. In 2010, Jessica was ranked number 10 by My Latino Voice Magazine in their article, “Top 25 Latinos under the age of 25.”
In college, Jessica co-founded the UNM LULAC Collegiate Chapter 8057, an active university chapter for ten years. Her leadership skills led to her appointment as New Mexico LULAC State Director, making her the youngest state director in LULAC history. Her dedication to various LULAC efforts stems from her passion and commitment to the mission of the organization. In 2018, Jessica was inducted into the LULAC Women’s Hall of Fame.
In addition to Jessica’s volunteer work in LULAC, she is an enrolled member of the Chihene Nde Nation of New Mexico (The Warm Springs Band of Chiricahua Apaches). She is currently the tribal parliamentarian. She is also active in law school, serving in various leadership capacities. Jessica is the Editor-in-Chief for the Tribal Law Journal, Chief-Justice for the Graduate and Professional Student Association Court of Review, and she is the Vice President of the Student Bar Association. Jessica’s leadership experience and educational aspirations are motivated by her desire to serve her community through public interest law.
Panel Information
Saturday, December 5
2:00 PM EST
Latinas In Corporate America
Latinas are a valuable talent pool for US employers, yet they only represent less than 1% of US executives. This panel brings a group of executives to discuss the reality of being Latina in Corporate America. Learn how their culture impacted their careers and what barriers still exist.
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