Mirian Freeborn
Claims Home Office System Manager, GEICO

GEICO Career Highlights:
Mirian joined GEICO June 16, 1984 as a Claims Service Representative for Region I Plaza in Chevy Chase, Maryland and has celebrated 36 years with GEICO.
More than half of the current GEICO offices and 44,000 associates did not even exist in 1984. The new mainframe/3270 green screens system; Claims Record Information System (CRIS) had just been implemented on April 1, 1984. Since then, Mirian and the GEICO systems teams have implemented four generations of claim systems, implemented 400+ additional system projects and have been the recipients of several GEICO Corporate Quality Team Awards for their system innovations.
Personal Highlights and Aspirations:
Mirian was born in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador in Central America. She speaks fluent Spanish, English and Spanglish. Her parent’s immigrated to Washington, D.C. (Adams Morgan) in 1966. In 1967 she and her younger brother Omar joined their parents. In D.C. before moving to Arlington, Virginia in 1968. Mirian and her husband Mike are still residents of Arlington, and are big fans of the Redskins, Nationals, and Capitals. They also support the Mary Center and the American Diabetes Association charities. Their son Michael (28) is a graduate of Virginia’s Marymount University and lives in Westover Village in North Arlington as well.
Mirian loves her current job and working with a group of bright and dedicated GEICO associates. Each day is an opportunity for her to mentor her team, to learn from them and to provide her internal and external customers the best possible support and solutions. She plans to continue expanding her project management skills, continue teaching LSS, and deploying innovated systems and workflow solutions for the Claims Community and the GEICO organization.
Panel Information
Saturday, December 5
2:00 PM EST
Latinas In Corporate America
Latinas are a valuable talent pool for US employers, yet they only represent less than 1% of US executives. This panel brings a group of executives to discuss the reality of being Latina in Corporate America. Learn how their culture impacted their careers and what barriers still exist.
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