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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

Theresa Montano, Professor, California State University Northridge

Theresa Montano

Theresa Montaño is a Professor of Chicano/a Studies with an emphasis in education at CSU-Northridge. Dr. Montaño has more than 40 years in public education, she taught for 15 years K12 schools before moving into higher education. Montaño is the former CTA Vice President and currently coordinates the public education work for the California Faculty Association. She is active in the movement for Ethnic Studies having served on California’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Advisory Committee. She is actively working with teachers and districts on the implementation of Ethnic Studies programs and curriculum, including work with the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium. She is also co-chair of LULAC’s higher education committee. Her current research includes a project on women of color in union leadership and assorted articles on Ethnic Studies. Her publications include two co-edited books, several research publications, essays and curriculum units.

Panel Information

Friday, September 3

2:50 PM EST

Highlight- Erasing Latinos in Education

The American education system has progressed greatly through the decades becoming more inclusive in its teaching as time has gone on. However, there are still many existing barriers for minority students and the new debate over whether or not Critical Race Theory should be taught in schools is threatening to strengthen these barriers and destroy the progress that has been made in the education system. Banning Critical Race Theory from schools will impact students of color the most, worsening their already underrepresented and underserved educational experience. Students, especially Latinx students, have already been negatively impacted by the education system’s move to a remote learning environment during the pandemic. As preparations are being made to move back to in-classroom learning, conversations about education should be revolving around the transition, not about removing a vital part of education. Join us in the Higher Education Task Force Committee Workshop where we will be delving deeper into these topics and evaluating their significance and impact.

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