LULAC Fights Back: How We’re Standing Up to Texas's Voter Suppression: Click here for more information

Abigail Zapote, Executive Director at Latinos for a Secure Retirement

Abigail Zapote


Abigail Zapote immigrated to the United States in the summer of 1997. Her undocumented status sparked her interest in social justice that would later become her labor of love in her early adulthood; as she herself lived the trials and triumphs involved with living in the United States as a DREAMER. After fourteen years living in the proverbial shadows, Abigail was granted U.S. residential status through the Violence Against Women Act and is presently on her way to becoming a full citizen.

Abigail began her professional career upon graduation working at her alma mater, The University of Texas at Dallas, in the Office of Diversity and Community Engagement. Two years later she was catapulted into the world of politics as a campaign consultant in the Washington, D.C. suburbs.

Presently, Abigail is the Executive Director for Latinos for a Secure Retirement in Washington D.C. where she leads a coalition of Latino organizations to protect Social Security, strengthen Medicare and increase pension access and financial literacy to Latinos of all ages.

Abigail served as VP for Young Adults from 2015-2018 at the League of United Latin American Citizens. She currently serves as an Executive Board Member of the Democratic National Committee’s Senior Coordinating Council.

Panel Information

Thursday, August 13, 2020

8:00 PM EST

Financial Literacy

Regaining our Financial Footing after COVID-19

Sponsor: AARP

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