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Diana Perez

Washington LULAC State Director

Diana Perez, Washington LULAC State Director. Diana shares some of her personal reasons for being a LULAC member and why it is important for each of us to recognize our work together on all levels.

Diana encourages us to continue to amplify our voices and fight for our community’s civil rights, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. She says, “It would be irresponsible for me not to give back.” Her primary reason for being a member is to make this world a better place for all her family-- especially those struggling most to make a living.

LULAC members, just like Diana, are actively serving their communities and fighting injustice across the U.S. and Puerto Rico every day. You can support our grassroots efforts by giving back at LULAC.org/contribute.

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See other stories, like this one, that help highlight the importance of celebrating our heritage and serving our communities.

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