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Climate Change


Prioritize Climate Change

Harris supports the Green New Deal and holding polluting businesses accountable. She has reversed her previous position on fracking and continues to advocate for clean energy investments and tax credits for electric vehicles.

  • Aggressive Emission Reduction Targets: Harris aims to set ambitious targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to clean energy to combat climate change.
  • Expansion of Renewable Energy: She plans to invest heavily in renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and battery storage to increase their share in the energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Promotion of Electric Vehicles: Harris supports the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) by investing in EV infrastructure and providing incentives for both consumers and manufacturers.
  • Climate Resilience and Infrastructure: Her agenda includes enhancing climate resilience through modernizing infrastructure and implementing measures to protect communities from climate-related disasters.
  • International Climate Leadership: Harris advocates for a strong U.S. role in international climate agreements and encourages global cooperation to address climate change.
  • Environmental Justice: She focuses on addressing environmental justice by targeting communities disproportionately affected by pollution and climate change, ensuring equitable access to clean energy and environmental protections.


Ease environmental regulations

Trump aims to cut regulations, withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and expand fossil fuel drilling. He plans to remove restrictions on oil and gas projects and oppose Green New Deal policies.

  • Energy Focus: Trump's mantra is “DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” emphasizing his commitment to increasing oil drilling and making U.S. energy and electricity the cheapest in the world.
  • Climate Change Views: He has previously labeled climate change as a “hoax” and shows particular disdain for wind power.
  • Increased Oil Drilling: Trump plans to boost oil drilling on public lands and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers.
  • Pipeline Approval: He aims to expedite the approval process for natural gas pipelines.
  • Opposition to Electric Cars: Trump opposes the Biden administration's push for electric vehicles, arguing that while they have a role, they should not be mandated for consumers.
  • Paris Climate Accords: He has pledged to re-exit the Paris Climate Accords, reflecting his stance against international climate agreements.
  • Ending Wind Subsidies: Trump intends to eliminate subsidies for wind power.
  • Regulation Rollbacks: He promises to roll back regulations related to energy-inefficient products, including lightbulbs, stoves, dishwashers, and showerheads.
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