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Seniors Everywhere, Don’t Feel Discouraged

The steps to self-isolate during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak are being taken to limit its spread and to protect the safety of individuals who are considered “high-risk”. Among these are seniors because of their age or pre-existing health conditions. However, being home alone is creating its own set of challenges including lack of food, exercise and socialization with others, each of which is especially important to our seniors.

The following statement is from Ms. Elia Mendoza, National VP for the Elderly.

“Seniors everywhere, don’t feel discouraged. Be patient until this (COVID-19) blows over because it will pass. For now, I am encouraging our seniors to stay away from crowds, wash your hands often and stay calm.

We can’t move around so I have told my councils we are suspending group activities for now. I know we enjoy getting together in groups and going to dances, bingos but right now, even the gyms in many places are closed. So this is a good time to start a hobby at home with no more than one or two people. Also, pick up a book and stay busy doing your daily business because we have to move on. Everywhere you turn on the TV, all you see is the Coronavirus so it’s better to do something you enjoy and just know everyone else is being affected too, not just seniors. Let’s all do our part and #stayhome.

To all LULAC members, we are here to help our seniors in any way that we can. If you are a senior and need food, call your local food bank and they will assist you or get someone to bring you food. Here is my ask for you: It is very important to stay in touch with each other to make sure everyone is doing ok.

If you have recommendations or observations on what we as LULAC can be doing better to serve our community during the Coronavirus, please call us at 202-833-6130 or email us at recommendations@LULAC.org. Also, I want everyone to remember this is the time to pay your national, state and district membership dues so we can continue our efforts. We still have time until March 31st but it’s important we do it because of the work that is ahead. Our work today is more important than ever and could save lives.”

Acerca de LULAC
La Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos (LULAC, por sus siglas en inglés) es la organización de derechos civiles más grande y antigua de los Estados Unidos que fortalece a los hispanoamericanos y construye comunidades latinas fuertes. Con sus oficinas centrales en Washington, DC, LULAC tiene 1,000 concilios en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Los programas, servicios y actividades defendiendo derechos civiles abordan los temas más importantes para los Latinos y están enfocadas en las necesidades críticas de hoy y el futuro. Para más información, visite https://lulac.org/