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Call Congress Today to Protect the Immigrant Community

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Dear Fellow LULAC member,

As you may be aware of, a $2 trillion “COVID-19 Relief bill” is making its way through Congress to provide support to working Americans which will include $1,200 checks for every adult, $500 for children, compensation to small business owners and increased unemployment compensation to laid off workers.

Unfortunately, the undocumented immigrant community is not covered in the proposal put forth by the U.S. Senate. We need your help to stand up and defend ALL members of our community now and support the US House bill "Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act".

Please call/email your member of Congress to make sure that the 11 million undocumented immigrant community is protected during this crisis and ask them to support the U.S. House bill which includes protections for ALL workers. We must demand that all families regardless of status are protected in this legislation. Find your member’s contact information HERE. Below are some talking points to use when you call today:

  1. Workers first, family first, means that all communities should have access to testing and treatment.
  2. It is reckless to our nation’s public health to exclude immigrant families from access to testing, medical services, and financial relief. The needs and health of all workers, regardless of immigration status, should be ahead of corporate execs, Wall Street, and 2020 anti-immigrant politics.
  3. Our elected officials must ensure any solution against the pandemic protects all families.
  4. There has been no other time in American history when our nation has needed to ensure that all families - regardless of immigration status - are protected and prioritized.
  5. There are millions of immigrant families who are at the frontlines of combatting the impacts of the pandemic. From food and agriculture workers to home and health care workers, Dreamers, TPS-holders, and immigrant workers and families - regardless of immigration status - are critical to keeping all American communities safe and healthy.


  • [SEE CAP ANALYSIS] CAP analysis finds that roughly 27,000 DACA recipients are health care practitioners, including physicians. America can’t afford such a loss.
  • [SEE CATO REPORT] Millions of immigrants in the U.S. are working every day to defeat the contagion or mitigate its economic effects: On the front lines of this battle are the nearly 1.7 million immigrant medical and health care workers who are caring for COVID-19 patients, over 155,000 immigrant scientists and engineers, a majority of janitorial and cleaning service workers are immigrants, and over 700,000 immigrant workers cultivating and processing a significant portion of America’s food and meat production.
  • [SEE CATO REPORT] Nearly 1.5 million immigrants work in delivery, shipping, and trucking, bringing products to households who need them across America.
  • [SEE National Agricultural Workers Survey] While most Americans stay at home, farmworkers continue to work since they have been designated as “essential workers” by DHS. Nearly half lack legal work authorization and residency status, making them ineligible for essential benefits that could help them stay home when sick.

Together We Rise,


The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit https://lulac.org/