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Tik-Toking Our Way to Congress: How to Go Viral for a Purpose [GROUP B WORKSHOP]

June 26, 2024 1:00 PM

Tik-Toking Our Way to Congress: How to Go Viral for a Purpose [GROUP B WORKSHOP]

This course is designed to empower participants in leveraging social media to raise awareness about the pressing issue of repatriating our veteran patriots. Shockingly, one in three veterans has experienced arrest or incarceration, often stemming from trauma related to their military service. For noncitizen veterans, even minor convictions can result in deportation and lifelong bans on reentry. Instead of receiving necessary rehabilitation and care, many noncitizen veterans face permanent removal from the country they vowed to defend. Social media serves as a vital platform to shed light on this issue and advocate for congressional and state action. Through this session, participants will learn effective strategies to amplify their message and mobilize support for this critical cause.