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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

Dr. Ana Valentín

Enterprise Service Program Manager, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Dr. Ana Valentín

Dr. Ana Valentín is an Enterprise Service Program Manager for the Office of Chief Information Officer under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Dr. Ana leads various information technology projects critical to NOAA’s Mission. Dr. Ana also is a Cyber Applied Research Fellow at Marymount University, Member of the NIST National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Working Group, and a Vice-President for Education for the Information System Security Association Northern Virginia Chapter. Dr. Ana has degrees in math education, biostatistics, cybersecurity, information security management, and program management. In 2020, Dr. Ana received the first Academic Excellence Award of the Doctoral of Science Cybersecurity Program from Marymount University.

Panel Information

Tuesday, July 26

1:30 PM EST

Adapt or Die: A Leader’s Guide to Adapting Quickly to Change and Helping Others Do the Same

Leaders who struggle with change or refuse to adapt to new ways of thinking, doing and being are in for a rude surprise and a lot of trouble. The more rapid the pace of change, the more dire the consequences of stubbornly sticking to old ways. Like most things in business (and in life), change is a two-edged sword—a threat and an opportunity. Leaders who adapt to rapid change better than their peers very often are able to achieve great things, while leaders who ignore changing circumstances or struggle to “go with the flow” can expect to go the way of the dinosaur. Adapting may be difficult, but it is not impossible. Learn how to overcome your (and other’s) resistance to change to become a more flexible, resilient and successful leader.

3:15 PM EST

Building your Business Acumen Capabilities

Business acumen is a critical leadership skill, allowing you to make informed decisions that give you a competitive advantage (Crestcom, 2017). According to Crestcom (2017), business acumen is the understanding of how the business operates, makes money, and grows profitably. Business acumen helps you to understand how your role and your department fits into the big picture and how it contributes to the success and profitability of the organization. Crestcom (2017) indicated that every business and organization’s ability to grow profitably is affected by the four key elements of business acumen:
(1) organizational drivers
(2) organizational performance
(3) external factors, and
(4) future trends

Thursday, July 28

1:30 PM EST

Can you see the Big Picture? Developing Business Acumen

One of the most difficult ECQ’s to recognize and describe is Business Acumen. In many rganizations, business acumen is a missing core competency. Business Acumen is the ability to understand and apply information with which to contribute to the organization’s strategic plan. By definition, acumen is the ability to make good judgements and quick decisions. This is a skill that we use daily in our jobs but difficult to develop or demonstrate the benefits at the larger scale. When we understand this concept, we can see how important it is to consistently exercise sound judgment, have a quick mind that can assimilate information from different sources and come up with strategic alternatives. All of this will benefit not only our own professional career but also to provide quality insight to our agencies to meet their mission and goals. A leader understands how your organization makes financial decisions and the impact of those on the performance. To improve your business knowledge, it’s important to have a good understanding of the organization you work in: How it works, How it the financials work, Business strategies and Operational goals. Leaders without a solid Business Acumen skill set are unable to understand how their actions impact the agency’s execution and struggle to articulate on strategy. The pillars for a strong usiness acumen are understanding the business model, learning the financials of your organization, and continuously seeking education. Developing business acumen takes time, however the sooner you start building up this competency the faster you will be able to apply it in your career.

Thursday, July 28

3:15 PM EST

Project Management Principles for Better Results

The Federal government needs knowledgeable employees with project management, strategy, and leadership skills to handle complex projects. The workshop will help you develop skills and improve
● Productivity by reducing costs and workload
● Customer satisfaction by communicating openly
● Collaboration by engaging users and stakeholders
● Performance by planning objectively and realistically
● Problem resolution by managing risks, issues, and change actively

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