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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

Dr. Supreet Anand

Acting Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director, Office of English Language Acquisition, Department of Education

Dr. Supreet Anand

Dr. Supreet Anand has been working in the field of education for more than 25 years. She currently serves as the acting assistant deputy secretary and director for the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA). As the acting director for OELA, she informs policy decisions on English Learners (ELs), supervises OELA’s role in disseminating information on educational research, practices, and policies for ELs through the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. Her work also includes supervising the discretionary grant programs under Title III of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA). Dr. Anand has also supervised formula grant programs, Title I, Title II, Title III under the ESSA in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Before joining ED, she served as the Title III director for the Maryland State Department of Education and supervised the Title III program in Prince George's County Public Schools, Maryland. In addition, she taught English as a second language in grades K-12 for over ten years and master’s level courses at the University of Maryland. Dr. Anand holds a Ph.D. in education from University of Maryland, College Park; an MS in applied linguistics from Georgetown University, Washington D.C. and an MA in English literature from Punjab University, India.

Panel Information

Wednesday, July 27

10:15 AM EST

Organizational Change Through Leading People- Case Studies and Tools for Room: 102A Improved Performance and Retention

Dive into two interagency case studies to witness how you can lead change through leading people in a federal agency. This workshop will provide a clear, practical distinction between supervision and leadership and the role that each play in building a team and improving performance by implementing a deliberate approach to incorporating team member character strengths into the organization's values, performance, and awards programs. Central to this workshop is the notion that change does not happen in isolation. It requires changing the way you lead people; it requires conflict management, leveraging diversity, developing others and team building. Learn tools for how you can leverage the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to lead people through organizational change, increase performance and strengthen morale.

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