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Lupe Torres

LULAC National VP for the Southwest

Lupe Torres

Lupe Torres currently serves as the National VP for the Southwest and is the Immediate Past Texas State Director for the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). She has been a member of LULAC since 1974. She has committed all her adult life serving the community that she was born and reared in. She is a member of LULAC Council 648 in San Antonio and along with her dedicated fellow members have provided close to half a million dollars in scholarships and charitable endeavors through many fundraising efforts since the inception of her council’s founding. She has also served as the LULAC District 15 Director and has had the privilege of serving with many hard working and dedicated members of this district.

She began her career as a grant writer for a Community Development Corporation in San Antonio (MAUC) which enabled her to bring much needed federal funds to the community in the areas of economic development, housing, manpower and social service programs.

She was a member of the Congress of Community Development Corporations (CDC) in Washington DC and traveled extensively to Washington D.C., New York, and other places seeking funds from foundations, private corporations, and the federal government in the late seventies.

Retired from the Mental Health Authority of Bexar County after 35 years of service as Director of Development, Housing and Director of Public Relations, Marketing and Outreach. She helped develop residential programs for persons with mental disabilities and grants for supportive programs enabling persons with disabilities to live productive and independent lives.

Was appointed to the San Antonio Housing Authority Board where she served as the first Hispanic woman Chairman for five consecutive terms. In this capacity she helped found the Our Casas Resident Council, a non-profit organization to help public housing residents and other low income persons become “first time home buyers” She was also selected to serve as one of the first board members of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) serving with national leaders from throughout the United States bringing issues of Hispanic America to the forefront.

Other “firsts” in her community service include: First Hispanic woman appointed to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in Dallas by former HUD Secretary, Jack Kemp; first woman chairman of the National LULAC Housing Board and first Regional Hispanic women President for Commissioners of the National Association of Housing ad Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO). She also served as Chairman of the Bexar County Housing Authority and as a commissioner for ten years helping expand affordable housing throughout the County of Bexar. Awarded the LULAC “State Director of the Year” at the National Convention in Phoenix - 2018

She has also served on many boards and commissions that have all contributed to improving the lives of families and children for a better future and quality of life:

National Board member of the League of United Latin American Citizens San Antonio Water Board Citizens Advisory Committee, City of San Antonio Diez y Seis Commission (Cultural) LULAC National Education Service Center local Advisory Board Chairman (LNESC) 2016-2017 and currently on the national LNESC Board. Member- San Antonio Coalition for Veterans and Families Reappointed to the Housing Authority of Bexar County (2015 to Present)

Past Boards and Commissions:
San Antonio Housing Authority
The Fair Housing Council of Greater San Antonio
City of San Antonio Community Action Advisory Council
Prevention for Blindness,
San Antonio Women’s Shelter,
Habitation House
United Cerebral Palsy
San Antonio River Corridor
San Antonio Rotary Club ( Drug Abuse Committee-Rotary International),
NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.)
Mental Health Public Information Officers,
San Antonio Housing Trust Fund,
Founding Member, of the Our Casas Resident Council enabling public housing residents to become first time homeowners.

Honors and awards include: Elected LULAC Texas State Director-2016 to June 2019; Elected LULAC District 15 Director, three terms; National LULAC Chaplain (2012-2014); LULAC "Women of the Year" District 15 (2012); Inducted into the National LULAC Women’s Hall of Fame (July 2005) Received the 2005 Salute to Latina “Women in Action” Community Award by La Prensa Newspaper Foundation (2005); Honored as a “Yellow Rose of Texas”, a state commission created by Governor Rick Perry ( 2004); Selected Outstanding Hispanic Woman Role Model by Image of San Antonio (2004), Inducted into the San Antonio Women’s Hall of Fame 1988; San Antonio Express News Outstanding Women-Government/Civilian; LULAC Presidential appointee as National LULAC Housing Chairman; Appointment to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board by HUD Secretary Jack Kemp; and Outstanding Service Award-Texas Council of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Centers.

Panel Information


11:00 AM

Healthcare | Gender Disparities in Health and Healthcare

Gender differences in health and the use of health services are a long-standing concern for the U.S. medical system. This conversation will offer a glimpse into resources, options, and solutions on ways women can take control of their health today and advocate for access to equitable health care. We will consider both the scientific bases of specific diseases affecting Latinas and the social, cultural, economic and environmental factors that increase risk and limit access to therapy. As well discuss the barriers that Latinos face when seeking mental health care, whether it be language barriers, stigma behind mental illness, one’s legal status, etc.

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