You are invited to attend the LULAC National Women’s Conference sponsored by the LULAC National Women’s Commission and chaired by LULAC National Vice President for Women, Emma Lozano. The LULAC National Women’s Conference provides professional development plenaries targeted to the needs of Latinas, and also highlight the contributions that Latinas have made to this country.
Registration Options
Women's Conference Packages
LULAC Member $100
Non-Member $150
Student (I.D. required) $50
* Women's Conference Packages include welcome reception, breakfast, luncheon, and workshops.
California State Reception & Dinner Tickets
Adult LULAC Member Ticket $75
Non-Member Ticket $100
Youth LULAC Member Ticket $50
* See registration links and flyer below (please scroll down)
Women's Conference Online Registration & Form
Complete the requested information below as you would like it to appear on your name badge. Please complete a form for each person attending and submit prior to April 10, 2023.
Women's Conference Payment can be made by cash, check, or major credit card. Credit card orders accepted by fax, before Deadline: April 10, 2023. Make checks payable to LULAC Institute. There is a $25.00 handling fee for all returned checks. For registration questions contact: Lisa Smith, LULAC CFO at 202-833-6130 x109 or LSmith@LULAC.org
LULAC California State Reception & Dinner