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* 2024 LULAC National Convention & Exposition.

Amirah Sequeira, Lead Legislative Advocate for National Nurses United

Amirah Sequeira is the Lead Legislative Advocate for National Nurses United, the largest union of Registered Nurses in the United States. She leads federal legislative advocacy for the union, working to secure workplace protections for registered nurses, and fighting to win Medicare for All and other health, environmental and economic policy priorities that would benefit nurses, patients and working people. Amirah is a longtime health care justice activist, and spent more than a decade working in the global AIDS movement. She previously served as Associate Director of International Campaigns and Communications for Health GAP, a global health justice advocacy organization, and as the National Coordinator of the Student Global AIDS Campaign. Amirah holds a Masters Degree in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from the University of Cambridge where she was a Gates Scholar, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Columbia University, with majors in History of Public Health and in Sustainable Development.

Panel Information

Saturday, August 15

2:00 PM ET

A Discussion on COVID-19 and its impact on Health Care and the Latino Community

With special guests Rep. Raul Ruiz, and Rep. Filemon Vela and Dr. Robert Rodriguez

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