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Carrie F. Ricci, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army, Retired

Carrie Ricci

Ms. Ricci leads a team of 30 attorneys and professional support staff that provide legal services to both the Marketing and Regulatory Programs and the Food Safety mission areas of USDA. Prior to joining USDA, Ms. Ricci served as an Assistant General Counsel with the Department of Defense Education Activity, a field activity consisting of fourteen school districts servicing children in grades K-12 in locations spanning the globe. Prior to joining DoDEA, Ms. Ricci served on active duty in the U.S. Army for 22 years. Ms. Ricci is a 1988 graduate of Georgetown University where she was commissioned in the Adjutant General’s Corps through the ROTC program. As a lieutenant, Ms. Ricci operated five military post offices in Germany and later deployed to Operation DESERT STORM/DESERT SHIELD, serving as a platoon leader for the 115th Postal Company (FWD). She subsequently served as an Adjutant with the 902d Military Intelligence Group, Fort Meade, Maryland, before being selected to participate in the Army’s Funded Legal Education Program. She graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law and became a U.S. Army Judge Advocate in 1996. She then served with the 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas, as an Administrative and Operational Law Attorney, and a Trial Counsel. Other assignments include Chief of International Law for United States Central Command, Deployment to Qatar in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate for the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, and Assistant to the Army General Counsel on Personnel Law matters.

Ms. Ricci holds an LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law from George Washington University School of Law, and an LL.M. in Military Law from the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School. She is a graduate of the Judge Advocate Basic and Graduate Courses, and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.

Panel Information

Friday, August 14

11:00 AM EST

Veterans Affairs

#IamVanessaGuillén: Honoring and Protecting Those Who Serve Our Country

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