Dr. Ana Gil Garcia, LULAC National Education Committee

Twitter: @AnaGilGarcia5; Instagram: garciaanagil; Facebook: Ana Gil Garcia
Dr. Gil Garcia, a Venezuelan-American professor, five-time Fulbright Scholar, is an internationally acclaimed professional, published author, an esteemed community leader, and a forerunning advocate for equity and diversity. A Chicago resident, she works tirelessly for community organizations devoted to Latino rights. Among her multiple awards, she is one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the USA (2010), one of the 30 Outstanding Visionary Women in higher education (2014), Distinguished Woman in Education (2015) and one of the 50 more influential Latinos in Chicagoland (2017). In 2018, the Illinois Association of Hispanic State Employees conferred her the Hilda Lopez Award for her outstanding contribution to the Illinois Latino community. She has embraced the LULAC mission by chairing the Education Committee of the Illinois LULAC Council 5238. Her involvement and advocacy made her take effective actions on the empowerment of Latina women through higher education, the development of minority junior faculty, teacher and principal preparation, the promotion of coalition among Hispanic professional educational organizations, and the creation of international bridges for minority students. Her lobbying for Latino leadership parity, equity in education, and digital access for Latinos in education crystalized on the launch of a principal endorsement program for Latino teachers who will be the school leaders needed in Chicago Public Schools in which 49% of the student population are Latinos. To support the previous initiative, she co-founded with Caroline Crozier, LULAC National Director of Education and President of Council 5238, the Illinois Latino Coalition of Education Leaders (ILCEL) to maximize efforts in educational issues affecting the Latino education community. Her defense of democracy has brought recognition from diverse human rights groups after her activism through the Illinois Venezuelan Alliance, a not-for-profit organization, she founded to denounce the existing Venezuelan humanitarian crisis. Dr. Gil-Garcia’s image served as one of the Rotary International faces of the “Humanity in Action” world-wide campaign to fight poverty.
Panel Information
Friday, August 14
5:00 PM EST
Back to School in 2020?: COVID-19 and the Impact on our Students
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