El Pueblo Unido A Resource Guide for Community Leaders, Click Here to read the Resource Guide

Know Your Rights, Click Here for Info

Felipe Benítez. Executive Director of Corzan Latino

Twitter: @ fbenitezdc

Mr. Benitez has more than 15 years of experience designing and implementing strategic communications programs to enhance and protect the reputations of organizations, governments, companies, and brands. Through his prior work with leading organizations like United Way Worldwide, Fenton Communications, and Ogilvy Public Relations, Mr. Benitez has designed and implemented communications and outreach strategies for advocacy campaigns worldwide, from protecting the fundamental rights of indigenous groups in the Amazon to fighting climate change to helping protect the rights of immigrants in the United States.

Panel Information

Friday, August 14

1:00 PM EST


Dream Big and Green: Young People Driving Climate Change Action AHORA!

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