Welcome Message from LULAC National President
Welcome LULAC Familia y Amigos!
Bienvenidos to Albuquerque, the historic city at the center of one of the most breathtaking and expansive regions in the Americas. It is with great joy and excitement that we extend our warmest greetings to each and every one of you as we gather to celebrate the 2023 LULAC National Convention and Exposition.

Prepare to embark on a journey filled with cultural immersion and infinite scenic vistas as we have meticulously crafted an experience for you and your family to cherish. The stage is set for New Mexico Fiesta Night, where you will be enthralled by the colorful sights, sounds, and flavors of entertainment, all prepared exclusively for your enjoyment.
Venture into the convention and expo and allow yourself to be immersed in the myriad of experiences that have been thoughtfully arranged for your enlightenment and fun. Make sure to visit our dozens of job recruiters, who have brought with them hundreds of employment opportunities, ready to make on-the-spot offers to qualified candidates like yourself.
Furthermore, our theme for this year is “Saber es Poder, Knowledge is Power,” so be sure to attend one of the many informational sessions featuring leading national experts.
Explore topics and issues close to your heart, such as health, immigration, education, and much more.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, take the time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones among the 15,000 delegates and visitors attending this year’s event. Rest assured, there is something for everyone, and we sincerely thank you for being here to celebrate with us.
As you savor your stay in Albuquerque, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of this enchanting city. Allow its vibrant culture and awe-inspiring vistas to captivate your senses, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Once again, welcome to the 2023 LULAC National Convention and Exposition. Enjoy every moment of your time here and let us come together as one united familia to celebrate our shared heritage and the power of knowledge.
Domingo Garcia
LULAC National President