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Jose Torradas, MD, FACEP, ER Doctor and Spokesperson, American College of Emergency Physicians

Jose Torradas

Twitter: @TorradasMd

Dr. Torradas is a bilingual, board certified emergency physician who has worked on the front lines for over 10 years. He has experience in ER's large and small across the country, including COVID hotspots like New York and California. In working with patients across the entire gender, racial, and socioeconomic spectrum, he has a unique insight into healthcare delivery at the leadership and patient-doctor levels.

Since 2014, Dr. Torradas has been the leading Spanish media spokesperson for ACEP, the country's largest representative body of ER doctors. He participates regularly in media interviews on major outlets including CNN in both English and Spanish, as well as Telemundo, and Univision. In 2018, Dr. Torradas was honored as a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) for his extensive work on the communication committee.

Over the past few months, Dr. Torradas has expanded his practice to include telemedicine evaluations including COVID19 screening for patients, particularly migrant workers and Spanish speaking patients in hard hit areas like the central valley of California. He is an educator geared towards non-medical audiences, and recently developed COVID19@home, a free online toolkit for patients and caregivers available in both Spanish and English.

A graduate of MIT and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr. Torradas completed his residency at North Shore University Hospital on Long Island, New York. He currently lives and works outside of Philadelphia with his wife Erica, and is eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child in September.

Panel Information

Thursday, August 13, 2020

6:00 p.m.

Health and Wellness

Our Health: La Primera Riqueza es la Salud

Sponsor: AARP

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